Annotated Bibliography: Benefits of Early Childhood Education with a focus on Reading

Annotated Bibliography: Benefits of Early Childhood Education with a focus on Reading

Annotated Bibliography — 2 per page
Camilli, Gregory, et al. “Meta-analysis of the effects of early
education interventions on cognitive and social development.” Teachers
College Record 112.3 (2010): 579-620.
Barnett, W. Steven. “Long-term effects of early childhood programs on
cognitive and school outcomes.” The future of children (1995): 25-50.
Diamond, Adele, et al. “Preschool program improves cognitive control.”
Science (New York, NY) 318.5855 (2007): 1387.
Lonigan, Christopher J., and Grover J. Whitehurst. “Relative efficacy of
parent and teacher involvement in a shared-reading intervention for
preschool children from low-income backgrounds.” Early Childhood
Research Quarterly 13.2 (1998): 263-290.

Annotated Bibliography: Benefits of Early Childhood Education with a focus on Reading

Mol, Suzanne E., Adriana G. Bus, and Maria T. de Jong. “Interactive book
reading in early education: A tool to stimulate print knowledge as well
as oral language.” Review of Educational Research 79.2 (2009): 979-1007.
Lonigan, Christopher J., et al. “Promoting the development of preschool
children’s emergent literacy skills: A randomized evaluation of a
literacy-focused curriculum and two professional development models.”
Reading and Writing 24.3 (2011): 305-337.
Galinsky, Ellen. The economic benefits of high-quality early childhood
programs: What makes the difference?. CED, 2006.
Isbell, Rebecca, et al. “The effects of storytelling and story reading
on the oral language complexity and story comprehension of young
children.” Early childhood education journal 32.3 (2004): 157-163.

Annotated Bibliography: Benefits of Early Childhood Education with a focus on Reading

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