Discuss in a general sense your opinions regarding the development of African informal economies particularly the driving forces behind the informal economy (especially cell phones).

Discuss in a general sense your opinions regarding the development of African informal economies particularly the driving forces behind the informal economy (especially cell phones).


10pts/30 cumulative points
Due Thursday, Oct. 29

You are responsible for:
AGOC: Chapters 6 and 7

GSA: Upwardly Mobile
GSA: South Africa Resists March of Walmart
GSA: The Limits of Smart Power

Moodle Reading: The Cocaine Coast
Moodle Reading: short online LA Times article

Using the text and the readings up to this point, discuss in a general sense your opinions regarding the development of African informal economies particularly the driving forces behind the informal economy (especially cell phones). Include in this discussion the role of migration in the production of new spatialities (urbanization, illegal activities, movement out of Africa and within Africa). In your opinion, what the positives and negatives (including the role of migration)? What’s in store for the future?

No outside readings are allowed

Cite the readings in this manner: Blah blah blah (GSA, 76) or Blah blah blah (Specter, 76) – you do not need to include a separate bibliography. Please remember that paraphrasing must be cited and all quotes must be cited.

Here is a simple rubric for how your essays will be evaluated:

8-10 points: all assigned readings are discussed in depth and in the context of the essay question, and essay is original and well-constructed with very little summarizing and includes proper citations

6-7 points: all assigned readings are discussed, but essay lacks depth, context, and/or too much summarization (Note: this is a very common issue – keep in mind I am most interested in what YOU think and how you use the readings to support your opinions)

4-5 points: one or more readings missing from discussion; little depth; mostly a simplified summary of the readings

0-3 points: most readings missing from discussion; no depth or context, only a very basic summary of readings; unorganized and ignoring question in prompt, no citations.

Discuss in a general sense your opinions regarding the development of African informal economies particularly the driving forces behind the informal economy (especially cell phones).

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