Discussing the films Henry V and Kagamusha

Henry V and Kagamusha: Discussion

Discussing the films Henry V and Kagamusha, write an essay in the style of the Austin, Stove and Mannheim articles (can provide these articles if necessary). Throughout the essay connect three elements: the films, the articles, and the concept of state-supporting mythology. The best essay will also be blessed with a clear central argument and refer to the films and articles by name.

Excerpt: Discussing the Films Henry V and Kagamusha

Comparing and Contrasting Olivier and Branagh Henry V films to Kurosawa’s Ran and Kagemusha

Kagemusha is a historical play informed by the intricate nature depicted by man characters. For instance, when the farmer impersonates the king, makes him attain the king status by illusion.  While Kurosawa and Kagemusha films stem from the same era, Kagemusha could not be seen to have borrowed a leaf from the shakespearean approach as is the case for Kurosawa. Conversely, Kurosawa refers to Kagemusha as dry run for Ran, on the other hand, Ran is distant from Lear when it comes to scene, setting and lingua. However, Ran is closely linked to Kagemusha  in three areas that make it intricate to impute that it falls in the Shakespearean cluster than Kurosawa. In the liberal sense, Kagemusha and Kurosawa could be viewed as related to Shakespearean. Kurosawa for instance, bring to the fore Shakespeare to a foreign way of life (Japanese) and history.

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