Symbol Analysis Paul’s Case, Willa Cather, p. 238

Symbol Analysis Paul’s Case, Willa Cather, p. 238

ENGL 1302
Symbols Analysis

Topic:  “Paul’s Case, Willa Cather, p. 238
Length:  500-800 words (no padding:)

Description  Write a cohesive, grammatically correct analysis that analyzes specific setting symbols. Be sure to study the model analysis and the lectures on symbols.  Make certain that the conflicts and the body of the paper (the symbolic analysis) support/reflect the themes!

30 points–Intro (one succinct paragraph) Note: I’m not looking for a plot summary this time; I want you to jump right in with the conflicts. It’s a more sophisticated analysis.
1. Begin with a one sentence summary of plot. Include author’s name and story title.
2.  Identify major conflicts. Do not state, “An external (or internal) conflict is . . . .”  Just identify
them–c.f., model
3. At end of paragraph, state the themes and sub-themes. Do not explain the themes; just state them.
Use correct theme format! Make sure that the themes reflect the rest of the paper! Worth 10 pts.!
70 points–Body (about 1 1/2 pages.  Break into logical paragraphs)
The bulk of your analysis is to identify interpret setting symbols. I’m looking for at least 40 specific symbols. It’s not that hard to do–just study the model and you’ll see how many symbols you can fit into a paragraph or even a sentence. Some of the symbols suggest the same things, so you can even combine them in one sentence. You do not need to bold each symbol.
For instance, in “The Chrysanthemums”: Elisa’s life is much like the grey flannel fog–dull, functional, and hard to decipher.
Include at least two (2) allusions in your paper. Allusions function like symbols! Be sure to use MLA format for any sourced allusions.
Organize your paper chronologically. Start with the first scene in the story and analyze specific symbols as they appear, continuing to analyze setting symbols in the ensuing scenes. Probably you’ll start new paragraphs when you begin to discuss a new scene.
Although you should NOT label them as such, you must include examples of the various types of symbols (c.f., symbols lecture). You do NOT need to include characters as symbols
*  Wherever you like in body of paper, incorporate the following:
* Identify the point of view in the story, giving examples of each character’s thoughts.
* 2-3 examples of irony. Irony is tricky! Post on discussion board.
* Overall tone and shifts of tone.

Conclusion  If you go through setting symbols chronologically, you needn’t worry about a  conclusion. Since you’ll finish with the last scene, the paper will have a cohesive end.

Be real specific. Do not, for instance, merely say that “It’s winter, so it’s death.” Find a specific quote/example from the story and analyze how the symbol reflects the protagonist’s conflict at that moment or, perhaps, foreshadows what will happen to the character—study examples!
*Remember, as always, write like I’ve read the story. Do not lapse into plot summary. Write tightly

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