Capital needs of firms in the industry, appropriate sources of funds available to new ventures in the industry and the funding pathway used by firms in the industry.

Capital needs of firms in the industry, appropriate sources of funds available to new ventures in the industry and the funding pathway used by firms in the industry.

Choose one industry from the list below and discuss the funding
environment for new firms in that industry.

You are required to write a 1000 word report on the
funding needs of firms in an industry. Different
industries have different funding needs. Choose one
industry from the list below and discuss the funding
environment for new firms in that industry. Your
briefing paper should discuss: the capital needs of firms
in the industry. the appropriate sources of funds available
to new ventures in the industry. and the funding pathway
used by firms in the industry. Your response may draw
upon examples but your paper should represent a
generalisation of the funding environment for the
industry as a whole.
You may choose from the following industries:

-Online services (i.e. dot-coms)




-‘Cleantcch’ (i.e. new. low-carbon technologies)
C heck Sussex Direct for the submission deadline and
Further details:

In line with University regulations, you are
allowed to have +/- lo% on the word
count. so the range is 900-l 100 words

The briefing paper should contain in-text
citations and a bibliography. both using
Harvard style

The paper should draw upon academic
references as well as other industry and
professional sources

Order Custom Essay: Choose one industry from the list below and discuss the funding environment for new firms in that industry.

The capital needs of firms in the industry, the appropriate sources of funds available to new ventures in the industry and the funding pathway used by firms in the industry.

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