Week 8: Reflection on Achievement of Program Outcomes Discussion

Week 8: Reflection on Achievement of Program Outcomes Discussion

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Week 8: Reflection on Achievement of Program Outcomes Discussion


While the eight weeks have gone very fast, I have acquired knowledge and a detailed understanding of epidemiology. Besides, this course has been challenging and required proper time management to keep abreast with assigned readings and complete weekly discussions and quizzes. The course material is the foundation for becoming advanced practice nurses (APNs). Throughout this course I learned how to incorporate the epidemiological concept in addressing population health problems. Furthermore, epidemiology is an essential tool that allows APNs to deliver effective healthcare to the population. According to Butcher et al. (2018), the MSN program is important because it prepares nurses to provide care. Based on this fact, the course has offered the necessary knowledge and tools to meet the MSN program outcome #2, the MSN Essential IV, and NP Competencies: Nurse Practitioner Core Competency (NONPF) #4.

Week 8: Reflection on Achievement of Program Outcomes Discussion

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