NR 503 Week 8 Reflection

NR 503 Week 8 Reflection

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NR 503 Week 8 Reflection

  • Week 8 Assignment Prompt:Reflect back over the past 8 weeks and describe how the achievement of the course outcomes in this course have prepared you to meet:


  1. MSN program outcome #2


This is the Chamberlain College of Nursing MSN Program Outcome which is on the syllabus.


Create a caring environment for achieving quality health outcomes (Care-focused)


  • Speak to how this course prepared you to provide caring (which is includes culturally focused) health care integrating the concepts of outcomes. Ask yourself:


  • Where is the concept of outcomes presented?
  • How is it presented?
  • What were the assignments that integrated this concept?
  • How does this material on concepts prepare me as a practitioner?


  1. MSN Essential IV:


This MSN Essential IV is from the AACN Master’s Essentials which your program of study has used as a guide to crafting the curriculum. The document is found here: (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site..


Advocates for positive health outcomes through compassionate, evidence-based, collaborative advanced nursing practice. (Extraordinary nursing)


In reflecting on this for your paper due in Week 8, consider the following:

  • What are positive health outcomes?
  • How does this course include health outcomes and the integration of compassion, evidence-based content and care collaboration?
  • So, for instance, be sure you are clear on the terminology, what is being asked, in this piece and then speak to where it is covered, how it is covered, and how this content addressed this MSN Essential




  1. NP Competencies: Nurse Practitioner Core Competency (NONPF) #4


This competency is from the Nursing Organization of Nurse Practitioner Faculty (link (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

  • Provides leadership in the translation of new knowledge into practice.
  • Generates knowledge from clinical practice to improve practice and patient outcomes.
  • Applies clinical investigative skills to improve health outcomes.
  • Leads practice inquiry, individually or in partnership with others.
  • Disseminates evidence from inquiry to diverse audiences using multiple modalities.
  • Analyzes clinical guidelines for individualized applicationinto practice


For the above competency, think about the following as you write your Week 8 reflection:


  • How did the course connect research to practice?
  • How will you integrate findings from epidemiology into your future practice setting?
  • What do the epidemiological data findings mean to planning and providing care? Outcomes?
  • Look at the weekly modules, the titles, and the content/reading of each week.
  • Ponder the assignments, the assignment objectives.
  • Read over the course objectives and the weekly objectives.
  • Consider the abstract you wrote for Week 7 and its relationship to dissemination of knowledge, evidence.





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